School’s out Friday

What’s in a name?

Well, plenty of us will be soon to find out as we return to school and start talking about G Suite instead of Google Apps for Education.

Yes, Google made an announcement today that they are changing the name of Google Apps for Work to G Suite and Google Apps for Education will now be known as G Suite for Education. That’s an awful lot of rebranding that’s going to have to take place at Google’s end, and those of us used to using the #GAFE hashtag for Twitter posts and bookmarking are going to have to adapt too.

One of the changes introduced is the addition of ‘Explore’ in Google Docs and Slides. (Explore was introduced in Sheets a while ago). The idea behind explore is for it to give you suggestions based on the content within your document. Unfortunately, explore has replaced the Research tool that I found to be extremely useful to use with students. What is missing now is the ability to filter content according to Creative Commons licencing and you can no longer add a citation and select the citation format you would like to use. Hopefully the folks at Google will recognise that many teachers directed students to this tool and they will improve functionality within explore by introducing features from the Research tool.

After having spent the last few weeks of Term 3 emailing staff and students about the access they now have to Google Apps for Education, I’m going to have to think about how I start talking G Suite and not Google Apps. Adaptability – it’s the name of the game in today’s world.

Enjoy the weekend. Those of us who reside in Melbourne will be consumed tomorrow afternoon with the AFL Grand Final. I’m hoping to see Footscray rise to the occasion and take the win. Nothing like seeing an underdog succeed. πŸ™‚


2 Replies to “School’s out Friday”

  1. Hi Jenny, just wanted to drop in and say hello. I’m still enjoying your School’s Out Friday blog. Hope you have had a restful school break and have your batteries recharged for term III. Best of luck for your AFL Footie team.
    Most of us here in the states can’t wait to get the presidential over. Enough All Ready! πŸ˜‰
    Sending hugs to your family from your #1 fan in San Antonio TX.

    1. Hi Rich,
      Thanks for hanging in here and reading a post when it goes up – all too infrequently these days! I’ll have to make more of an effort to get my blogging mojo back. πŸ™‚ Lovely to hear from you. I’m watching the Presidential election with great interest – your country’s decision making has ramifications worldwide. I hope you and your family are well – enjoy the fall weather in Texas. πŸ™‚

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